Race Around the Island Results

RATI 2023 Results are available. Congratulations paddlers! If you took pictures of the results whiteboard, please note: after the event, corrections were made to the results for these categories:

    • Long course, mixed master 40, spec canoes
    • Long course, mixed master 40, unlimited

Thank you to everyone who paddled, hauled canoe trailers, set up tents, donated raffle items, drove safety boats, shared food, and made our event a success!

2019 Race Around The Island

Big mahalo to everyone who came to RATI this year! It was a beautiful day on the Columbia River and we couldn’t have asked for better conditions. See the race results here.

Watch a recap of the day produced by Cascade Video Productions!

View all the photos from RATI posted in real-time on our Facebook Page.

The day started with a traditional Hawaiian ceremony and blessing to honor the Great Spirit of the land, the indigenous peoples of this land, the Columbia River, and our paddling community and guests in attendance.
Mahalo to Kaleinani O Ke Kukui for facilitating our opening ceremony.

The Long Distance Women’s and Mixed-crew races were the first race of the morning. Congrats to Hood River Outrigger Canoe Club for placing First in the Women’s Long Distance and Hui Heihei Canoe Club for placing First in the Mixed Long Distance!

Meanwhile on land, we had an awesome salmon lunch provided by CRUSH BAR in Portland. As the day progressed, we had clearer skies and the sun came out.

Passing time until the next race begins. 

Check out those raffle prizes! Thank you to Kialoa Paddles, Nossa Familia Coffee, and many others for donating prizes.

We’re feeling envious of the lucky buggahs who won the two homemade quilts made by CROCC’s Coach Liz and Bobbie! Another CROCC tradition is making “Huli Ale” beer every year to give away as raffle prizes.

Next were the Mens and Short Course races. Congrats to Kikaha for placing First in the Mens Long Distance and Wasabi Burn for placing First in the Short Course race!


Again, check out all the race photos from RATI posted in real-time on our Facebook Page.

Mahalo to our super volunteers and in-kind sponsors who helped make RATI a great success. We couldn’t have done it without your dedicated support. See you next year at RATI! A hui hou!


Rooster Rock Distance Race: 2014 – Results

Race start before the rain

Race start before the rain

Mahalo to Mountain Home Outrigger Canoe Club to hosting a challenging race. What a fantastic day to be out on the water. It was fun for all who participated in the event even if we got a little wet from the rain. The day started off warm and dry but Mother Nature decided to gave us a nice shower to start the race.

Both crews did a great job and finished in the top three for the Novice Mixed crews. The crews and results are below:

  • 2nd place – CROCC Novice Crew 1 ( Jeanne, An, Josh, Adam, Jeanelle, and Doug) – 1 hr 22 min 22 sec
  • 3rd place – CROCC Novice Crew 2 (Taylor, Robin, Nani, Cindy, Kekai, and Justin) – 1 hr 31 min 34 sec
Novice Crew 1 coming in to the finish!

Novice Crew 1 coming in to the finish!

Congratulation to crews for placing a the Rooster Rock Distance race! Mahalo nui loa to our two paddlers from Hui Wa‘a o Waikinikona who jumped in to assist our crews!

Novice Crew 2 coming into the finish!

Novice Crew 2 coming into the finish!

We look forward to next year!!!

Race Around the Island (RATI) Distance Race – Results

RATI 2014 T-Shirt Design by Kendal Sparks

RATI 2014 T-Shirt Design by Kendal Sparks

CROCC would like to thank everyone who participated and made Race Around the Island (RATI) a huge success. It was a fantastic day filled with the sense of Ohana and belonging.

2014 RATI Results

As always we would like to thank the safety boat captains and crews, the Clark County and Multnomah Sheriff River Patrols that kept a ever watching eye on the paddlers as they competed. Mahalo to the hula dancers and Auntie Deva from Ke Kukui Foundation for providing us with a wonderful opening ceremony. Also a special thanks to Tim, Roxanne, and Auntie Jeanne for officiating and keeping things in order. Additionally we would like to thank Kendal Sparks for designing the RATI t-shirt

Ke Kukui Foundation Performers

Ke Kukui Foundation Performers

RATI could not happen without the hard work of the members of CROCC! Great job team, you out did yourself this year! Imua, Imua, CROCC!!!

Natalie, Nani, and Ann

Natalie, Nani, and Ann

We look forward to hosting next years race as it will mark our 20 year of hosting RATI.

A hui hou

Na Po‘e O ke Kai Sprints: 2014 – Results

Blog2014GreenLake3Our thanks to Hui Wa‘a o Waikinikona for such a wonderful day of sprint racing out on Green Lake. Our paddlers had a great time getting out there on the water and competing with the all the clubs. Even thought we didn’t always have full CROCC crew padding we were able to get all paddlers out there who wanted to race with other teams. Big Mahalo to Alex Rohr for jumping in and representing CROCC with the other youth teams from Kikaha o Ke Kai and Hui Heihei Wa‘a. Also we would like to congratulate Cris on her V1 race though it was a hull finish with a first place win, great way to stick the dismount (Wicked Grin)!


Mahalo to all the clubs that made this race possible by providing canoe to support all of the events.


Rusty Iron Distance Race: 2014 – Results

Ho‘omaika‘i ‘Ana (Congratulations!) to the three crews that represent CROCC at Rusty Iron! It was a wonderful day out there and everyone all did great job out there!!


Mixed Masters coming in to the finish line – Rusty Iron 2014

A big mahalo to Pacific Outrigger Canoe Club for a wonderful day out at Frenchmen’s bar. Rusty Iron is always a great time to reconnect with our larger paddling Ohana from PNWORCA as it is the first OC6 race of the year.

Below are the crews and their times.

  • Mixed Masters Crew, Long course – 1:02:46
  • Mixed Novice Unlimited Crew, Long course – 1:13:44
  • Wahine (Women) Open, Long course – 1:18:57

Imua, Imua, CROCC!!


Mixed Masters – Rusty Iron 2014


Mixed Novice – Rusty Iron 2-14


Wahine – Rusty Iron 2014

Pacific Northwest Outrigger Challenge – Results

Mahalo to Sail Sand Point OCC and Kikaha O Ke Kai OCC for hosting the Pacific Northwest Outrigger Challenge. It was a great day for racing and a lot of fun was had by all. Cris represented CROCC in the 18 mile beach changeout with Wakinikona and helped them obtain a first place win in their race. Doug was paddling with the Kikaha Open Mens in the 26 mile 9-man changeout race and helped them place third the changeout.

Both crews did well in their respective races and fun was had by all!

Cris and crew

Cris and crew paddling in

Cris and crew

Cris and crew

Da Grind – Results

Great photo of CROCC crew and the Space Needle

Great photo of CROCC crew and the Space Needle

What a great day to be out at Alki beach! No one could have asked for better weather and water conditions. Mahalo to Seattle Outrigger Canoe Club for hosting a great race and providing a wonderful race shirt designed by Kendal Sparks.

The CROCC Mixed Masters crew was up against Waikinikona Mixed Open in the end and from the looks of it there was a photo finish. Though CROCC lost in the end by a fraction of a second they did take first in their division!

The SOCC/CROCC Open Men’s crew also ended their race with a very close race with Wasabi. In the last few miles of the race the Wasabi Steersman lost his blade, but the SOCC/CROCC crew was able to pick it up and get it back to them via the race official (Tim). Once Wasabi had their steers-blade back the race was on! Again, it was a tight finish with Wasabi taking the Third place slot by a fraction of a second.

Great Job Crew!

CROCC and Wakinikona at the finish

CROCC and Wakinikona at the finish

SOCC/CROCC rounding the island.

SOCC/CROCC rounding the island.

SOCC/CROCC crew coming in hot with Wasabi!!

SOCC/CROCC crew coming in hot with Wasabi!!

Gorge Distance Race – Results

What a race! I keep thinking to myself, “WOW, there was some WICKED water out there!” The mighty Columbia once again reminded us not to take her for granted and humbled a great many teams. Quite a few of the team never finished the race due to the morning conditions. It was definitely a character-building race and a reminder to respect the water. Thankfully it’s was a beautiful day in the gorge, with big water and an unscheduled swim for several crews. Over 1/3 of the crews never finished the race, ours included.

Mahalo to JD adn David Chun along wth all the other escort boats out there keeping us safe. The race wouldn’t happen without them!

Cheers to all of the paddlers that were out there! I can’t wait to hear your individual stories that come out of it!!

CROCC Crew: Photo by Mel Ponder

CROCC Crew: Photo by Mel Ponder

Mahalo to Mel Ponder Photography for a great many photos like the one above.

Kikaha crew

Kikaha crew

Doug with the Kikaha Crew

Doug with the Kikaha Crew