Three Days of Aloha – Recap

What a great time out at Ester Short park with the folks from Ke Kukui Foundation and the wonderful folks who came to visit and ask questions. Thanks to all the crew that showed up and supported CROCC in this event. We had a great response from the public and were able to bring back a lot of memories with Po’ Anuenue.

Cris is getting ready for the public to come and check out Po' Anuenue

Cris is getting ready for the public to come and check out Po’ Anuenue.

Standing at attention with Po' Anuenue. Yes, that is a kilt. ;)

Standing at attention with Po’ Anuenue. Yes, that is a kilt. 😉

Da Grind

On August 3, 2013 CROCC will competing in Da Grind Distance Race hosted by Seattle Outrigger Canoe Club at Alki Beach.  We will be entering in a mixed crew and two paddlers will be assisting our host club’s novice men’s crew.  This race will be approximately 12 miles long and run from Alki Beach, west to Blake Island, circling the island counter-clockwise, and returning to Alki Beach.

If your are in the Seattle area come on out cheer the crews!!

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Gorge Distance Race – Results

What a race! I keep thinking to myself, “WOW, there was some WICKED water out there!” The mighty Columbia once again reminded us not to take her for granted and humbled a great many teams. Quite a few of the team never finished the race due to the morning conditions. It was definitely a character-building race and a reminder to respect the water. Thankfully it’s was a beautiful day in the gorge, with big water and an unscheduled swim for several crews. Over 1/3 of the crews never finished the race, ours included.

Mahalo to JD adn David Chun along wth all the other escort boats out there keeping us safe. The race wouldn’t happen without them!

Cheers to all of the paddlers that were out there! I can’t wait to hear your individual stories that come out of it!!

CROCC Crew: Photo by Mel Ponder

CROCC Crew: Photo by Mel Ponder

Mahalo to Mel Ponder Photography for a great many photos like the one above.

Kikaha crew

Kikaha crew

Doug with the Kikaha Crew

Doug with the Kikaha Crew