Da Grind – Results

Great photo of CROCC crew and the Space Needle

Great photo of CROCC crew and the Space Needle

What a great day to be out at Alki beach! No one could have asked for better weather and water conditions. Mahalo to Seattle Outrigger Canoe Club for hosting a great race and providing a wonderful race shirt designed by Kendal Sparks.

The CROCC Mixed Masters crew was up against Waikinikona Mixed Open in the end and from the looks of it there was a photo finish. Though CROCC lost in the end by a fraction of a second they did take first in their division!

The SOCC/CROCC Open Men’s crew also ended their race with a very close race with Wasabi. In the last few miles of the race the Wasabi Steersman lost his blade, but the SOCC/CROCC crew was able to pick it up and get it back to them via the race official (Tim). Once Wasabi had their steers-blade back the race was on! Again, it was a tight finish with Wasabi taking the Third place slot by a fraction of a second.

Great Job Crew!

CROCC and Wakinikona at the finish

CROCC and Wakinikona at the finish

SOCC/CROCC rounding the island.

SOCC/CROCC rounding the island.

SOCC/CROCC crew coming in hot with Wasabi!!

SOCC/CROCC crew coming in hot with Wasabi!!

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