
2018 Head Coach, Liz Nelson (left), with CROCC crew at the 2018 PNW Challenge in Seattle, WA.

Columbia River Outrigger Canoe Club’s Head Coach is an annually appointed position by the Board of Directors. The Head Coach appoints his or her assistant coaching staff. The Coaches are here to help you so please feel free to reach out to them for assistance and guidance. Please email to get in touch with the coaches or sign up for an open practice!


  • 2025 Head Coach: Cris Trimble
  • Assistant Coach: James Jackman
  • Assistant Coach: Kate Dilworth
  • Assistant Coach: JB Kim
  • Assistant Coach:  Liz Nelsen

CROCC Coaches steer crews at races in Oregon (2019 and 2018 Rooster Rock respectively, top) and Washington (2017 Ruston Relay, bottom).