Rooster Rock Distance Race

On April 27, 2013 CROCC will competing in the Rooster Rock Distance Race hosted by Mountain Home Outrigger Canoe Club. We will be entering a mixed crew who will paddle the 10.5 mile course in the scenic mouth of the Columbia River Gorge. Come one out to Rooster Rock State Park, bring a picnic, and cheer on the paddlers.

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Race Around the Island (RATI) Distance Race – Results

Mahalo to everyone who participated in Race Around the Island (RATI), including (but not limited to): padders from around the northwest, hula dancers and opening ceremony from Ke Kukui Foundation, chase boat captains and crews, race officials, raffle prize diners, spectators, park rangers (who understood that those bottles were full of root beer)… What a fantastic day!

Race Results

View of wa'a lining up at RATI 2013

View of wa’a lining up at RATI 2013

Opening ceremony by Ke Kukui

Opening ceremony by Ke Kukui

Some of your hosts

Some of your hosts

We are looking forward to next years race!